Becoming One Helps Pastors Focus on What Matters Most
The BECOMING ONE, “The Marriage Preparation Kit” is the answer to these Pastor’s challenges. In a relaxing home setting, Becoming One teaches the skills necessary for an enriched and lasting marriage in a very effective guided video program. Couples typically complete the Becoming One marriage preparation program in 4-5 hours.
Pastors Challenges
- Pastors are concerned the couples they marry are prepared for the challenges of marriage and have the skills to succeed in creating a rewarding marriage.
- A pastor’s time commitments and energy are stretched to the limit with their necessary daily, evening and weekend church meetings and importantly their family’s needs.
The Solution
The BECOMING ONE, “The Marriage Preparation Kit” is the answer to these Pastor’s challenges. In a relaxing home setting, Becoming One teaches the skills necessary for an enriched and lasting marriage in a very effective guided video program. Couples typically complete the Becoming One marriage preparation program in 4-5 hours. Pastors simply meet with the couples twice; the first to discuss the important spiritual aspects of the marriage covenant, and a second time to discuss what they have learned from the Becoming One program and of course the wedding ceremony. During the time between the pastor’s meetings, the couple is prepared by the marriage experts in the comprehensive Becoming One program. Pastors can choose either to have the church provide the couple the Becoming One program, or ask the couple to purchase the program at our website.
Learn the Necessary Skills of a Rewarding and Strong Marriage
BECOMING ONE teaches couples these key skills that will minimize common struggles of newly-weds, and strengthen the bonds of those couples already married.
- Problem Resolution
- Respectful Attitudes and Team Building Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Financial Security
Who Will Benefit from the BECOMING ONE Program?
Couples planning to marry and couples already married and seeking to improve their marriage relationship.
Here’s an effective Marriage Preparation Program that teaches the essential information on Communication, Problem Solving, Financial Security and the necessary priority and attitude shifts needed to build a lifetime marriage. I am impressed by how well prepared the couples are that I have asked to go through the BECOMING ONE Program before they get married at Mission Church.
I trust Sandra and Dale Borchardt, the creators of Marriage Designer, an organization devoted to help couples enjoy rewarding marriages. Their BECOMING ONE- Marriage Program is used exclusively at Mission Church to make sure our couples are well prepared for all the challenges of marriage.
We met over three years ago, when they asked for my help to create a video, to include as a gift in the Kit, that would explain the many benefits of faith and being a part of a Church will bring to a marriage. Our relationship has grown into a wonderful friendship and they are now faithful members of Mission Church.
Pastor Ezra Stanton, Lead Pastor, Mission Church, Round Rock, TX - March 11, 2019

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”
Proverbs 15:22
What if pastors could improve the effectiveness of the advice they give couples while at the same time focus almost exclusively on what matters most, namely the vital role faith plays in the marriage covenant and the plan for their ceremony. Then delegating to the Marriage Experts in “Becoming One” the task of preparing the couple with the essential skills and attitudes necessary for a rewarding lifetime marriage.”
Get an inside look!
Becoming One, the marriage planning and preparation program from Marriage Designer, covers all the essential skills needed for effective relationships, communication and problem-solving. It puts couples on the same page when it comes to household responsibilities, finances and family values. And it acts as an ongoing resource for future communication, skills building, and decision-making.
By directing couples to Becoming One, pastors are better able to focus on planning a ceremony that will meet everyone’s expectations, devote much more attention to important matters of faith, and accomplish both of these goals in less time.
The BECOMING ONE Program starts by watching the “Marriage Coach” video. It will guide you step-by-step through the program and teach essential skills and attitudes necessary for a strong marriage. Fueling the discussion is a series of 10 short stories and helpful commentary presented in a video format. In the video series, couples explore the problems that destroy relationships and how instead they can create a healthy marriage. They see the techniques in use so they will have them later when they need them. Couples will explore the problems that destroy relationships and how instead they can create a healthy marriage.
The Marriage Planner is a binder full of collaborative activities and surveys that helps couples build skills and learn one another’s expectations for marriage.
The Marriage Planner culminates in a Marriage Agreement that is negotiated by each couple. The Marriage Agreement covers three key areas:
1. Household Appearance – Who will mop the floors and do the laundry? Does the cap stay on the toothpaste? Will they make the bed every day or just when company is coming? How the household looks is a frequent source of friction for newly married couples.
2. Family Values – What values do the couple want to reflect?
3. Finances – What kinds of financial systems do they want? How much do they save? How much can they spend on housing? What about entertainment?
Once a couple has negotiated their own Marriage Agreement, they sign and date it and agree to follow through on what was decided. Now, when they say, “I do,” they know exactly that they’re saying I do to. Back home after the honeymoon, couples can turn their Marriage Agreement into an Action Plan that specifies responsibilities and codifies expectations.
There will always be issues and questions. For that, couples have the final element of the program, our book, “The DO’S & DONT'S of Marriage.” It has much more detailed information and can be used as a resource for years to come.
Even More Effective than Traditional Counseling
What makes Becoming One better than traditional systems of premarital counseling? Three things.
Complete honesty from working one on one. When a couple is sitting on the sofa facing one another, they can be much more honest than when they are being watched by a third party or participating as part of a group.
Complete attention from working at their own pace.Because Becoming One is video-based, couples can review the material when they’re most ready to really hear it. They can move along, slow down, or take breaks when they want. There’s no need to wait for a group to finish or a pastor to discuss a topic that isn’t of high interest.
Complete commitment from an Action Plan. Every week is different. The Action Plan looks at the week ahead and helps couples assign responsibilities on their availability to meet them. A 50/50 split of chores sounds great in theory, but it’s not real life. That’s where the Action Plan comes in.
How to Get Started with Becoming One
Becoming One gives couples the skills and the structure they need to be successful and self-sufficient in marriage. Simply ask the couple to go to the website and order or have the church order and provide “Becoming One – The Rewarding Marriage Kit”. When the couple has completed the Marriage Preparation Program and are prepared for the challenges of marriage by Marriage Experts, they call for their two appointments to discuss GOD’s Marriage Plan and their marriage ceremony.
So try it. Prepare your next couple the most effective and efficient way, for both them and for you, with this comprehensive Marriage Coaching Program. You’ll see, “Becoming One” is the better way to prepare your couples for successful, blessed marriages.
“Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Mark 10:9